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Donate your ONE HOUR to 
Heal Yourself,
Heal the World

The Time is Now. The Power is Yours.

The world is Waiting.

From March 29 to April 1​

Join a Powerful Guided Universal Prayer Process to Unite Humanity.

Why is this important now?

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Donate your ONE HOUR 

And connect to your Heart

From March 29 at 7pm until April 1 at 7am

We are uniting 750 million people across Europe, creating the biggest ever global initiative, to shift our planet from separation and disruption to One World, One Family. The momentum is building. Be a part of it and let us unite for a greater cause.

How to join:


Choose your ONE HOUR, anytime within the 60-hour window. Anytime. Anywhere at your convenience. Just connect!

On 29 March from 7pm CET onwards - The link to join the prayer process will be published right here you just need to simply click on it.


Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience.


The Link to the Prayer Process will be right here.​

From March 29 at 7pm until April 1 at 7am


Stay tuned! 

Fear, division, and uncertainty grip our world.

But we each hold the power to pivot towards a new era of love, unity, and global peace.

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How it Works?

To heal the world, we must first focus on ourselves. By healing and transforming ourselves, we unleash a powerful ripple effect that resonates far beyond our individual lives. A transformed individual creates a transformed society. A transformed society creates a transformed nation. A transformed nation contributes to the transformation of our entire world.


Join a powerful, transformative guided prayer process designed for today's time. Awaken your heart and connect with your Inner Light, an intelligent source that guides, protects, and supports you in every aspect of life. Experience harmony with yourself, others, and nature. Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience of reconnecting back to your true self.


A Once-in-a-Lifetime Moment

In this crucial time, we have small window of hope and opportunity to transform the course of human history. The world calls out for connection, for bridges to be built between hearts and minds. There are moments that define generations. This is one of them. You have the chance to be part of something great, not tomorrow, not yesterday – but it is now!

“Look at your heart as a home. Only one person can stay there at a time – fear or faith. When faith stays within your home, within your heart then fear will leave on its own.” 

Love Incarnate

Maitreya Dadashreeji

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Donate your ONE HOUR to


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