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Maitri Havan

Experience the Power of an Ancient Vedic Ritual.

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A Tool for profound Transformation

Havan is an ancient Vedic fire ritual that is unique in its depth and power. As a precise spiritual tool, it is based on universal energies, exact Vedic mantras, and the transformative properties of fire. Now, we are bringing this powerful ritual to Europe – for all those seeking deeper clarity, harmony, and transformation in their lives.

It is an ancient practice that activates universal energies through fire and Vedic mantras. These millennia-old sounds generate vibrations that promote inner growth, cleanse the atmosphere, and facilitate transformation. The ritual follows an exact structure and unites three essential elements.


as a medium

for purification and transformation.


Ghee, herbs, and other natural substances that energetically amplify the intent of the Havan

Vedic Mantras

precisely recited Sanskrit syllables that create powerful vibrations

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Havans are not improvised rituals but well-founded practices refined over thousands of years. They are specifically performed to support both inner and outer processes – whether for personal development, navigating life’s challenges, or harmonizing one’s environment.

Who Can Benefit from a Havan?

Havans are highly versatile and can be performed individually or in groups. They infuse a set intention with powerful energy – whether to resolve emotional challenges or cleanse a specific space energetically. As long as the focus is on a positive transformation for oneself and the world, the Havan will support where it is needed most. It can help untangle seemingly difficult situations and open unexpected pathways.

Navratri - A Special Time for Havans and Clear Alignment

Twice a year, there is a unique energetic window where Havans are especially powerful. These periods offer an extraordinary opportunity for inner growth and realignment. During this time, a Havan is performed daily with a specific intent that is particularly supportive in that phase.

This spring, Navratri takes place from March 30 to April 7. You have the opportunity to participate online or in person, or simply book an intention and receive the benefits of the Havan performed for you. You will receive further information about participating in the Havan after your booking.

Havan Intents for Navratri


1st Intent


May there be love, peace and harmony in my relationships.

30 March and 7 April, 4.30 PM CET

Open yourself to the power of a Havan and witness how this ancient ritual can bring positive change into your life.

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